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No.2945 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
ok /wsr/ I have a very personal request

how to get a girlfriend

I'm serious, this morning I had what was probably the worst experience of my life, I had a dream about this 6/10 girl I liked 3 years ago, and she turned me down. In the dream. We talked a bit, we had a laugh, I told her I liked her for a long time and wanted to go somewhere with her, and she answered "you know anon, I'm not sure I want to do this with you, you know.". I remember it as if it really happened. While other people dream about sex, or having a happy life, or doing some superpower shit, I got turned down by a girl I haven't seen for 3 years but still have a crush on somehow. I'm on a straightforward course to suicide, and my life might be depending on the outcome of this request. So please, /wsr/, cure my no gf.