>>373165If you're a weeb who likes to talk about how much you know about anime and anime games like touhou you want to try /a/.
If you want wallpapers go to /w/ or /wg/, both of which are greeeat for wallpapers.
If you want to learn or discuss politics /pol/ is the place, but it's even better for making or getting angry at people with separate political opinions than you.
If you want a little bit of everything, and some more random memes /b/ is always a nice place, but be warned, most /b/tards are newfags, so don't get mistaken as one.
If you want to act like a 12 year old on 4chan along with a bunch of other 12 year olds who all have their own traditional and dank memes, try [s4s].
If you want hentai go to /h/. If you want good hentai go to /d/.
If you're around the age of 17, don't have a girlfriend, never had sex, and will probably never have sex for the rest of your life and all you want to do is cry about how insecure you are, try /r9k/.
Generally all the boards have their own memes, and cultures surrounding the board. You should treat every board like you would a new friend. Sure they're similar, because you like a certain type of person, but they're still different with their own quirks and nuances. Finding your best friend isn't as easy as asking "What type of person should I talk to?" because nobody knows what kind of friend is best for you. The best way to find your best friend is to try talking to each of your friends and find the one you like the most.
Basically, try out each individual board and try to find which one you like the most. These boards specifically are probably the most popular ones, and the ones you might want to try.