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No.374292 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
I've been searching for a video on youtube for a while and it's starting to melt my mind.

The video in question was animated, it was stop motion I'm sure because I recall the guns being plastic but the effects like muzzle flashes/explosions were post effects.
The "story" of the video was your average over-the-top action film about a police officer who doesn't "play by the rules"(they make sure to make that point a couple of times over the course of the video) Inmates have escaped from some maximum security prison and have captured some sort of mayor/banker/top-level-person and are holding him hostage in an abandoned warehouse. The police officer who doesn't play by the rules is going to be the guy to save him, clearly. But then the fat black chief of police issues NoPlayByRules a partner who is a robot, he first protests but then accepts it, where they both go in to save the mayor guy by sneaking in, the robot fucks up and everything falls apart and an over the top shootout occurs. Spoilers [spoiler:lit]They save the guy in the end and have a big generic crowd laugh about it.[/spoiler:lit]

The runtime was around 15 minutes and the title of the video was NoPlayByRules name if I recall, nothing else. It was set to have a sequel as well. If anybody can help me, I would be one happy person because my googlefu is shit. Pic unrelated.