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Looking for more shows of people getting rekt/humiliated

No.382231 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
I recently started binge watching gordon ramsays kitchen nightmares because I just like seeing ordinary people get yelled at and embarrassed.

I watched all 7 seasons of that then moved on to hotel hell because it's basically the same thing but now I've finished that as well. I don't watch any of his contest shows because it's just not the same feel.

I've also started watching chris hansens to catch a predator series and its also along the lines of shows i'm looking for, its a different type of feel though since there's less yelling but I still enjoy watching the pedo's get flustered and poorly try to talk their way out of their fuck up.

Anyways on to my request, I'm looking for more shows like these to watch. If you've got any suggestions I'll look into it, I'd imagine shows like this are rare finds though.