>>428887It's only 1 post, the rest focussed on ffmpeg:
Avidemux is a lightweight tool for basic video editing, like cutting and cropping. We'll use it to prepare clips for encoding by removing everything we don't need.
Load a video file. It will be displayed on the right. On the left are the output settings. Down below is the seek bar and navigation. The navigational buttons are explained in the "Go" menu ("Intra Frame" = key frame).
If you want to edit - *always* use the buttons, not the seek bar!
Examples (shown in webm):
-Skip a key frame forward. End of selection. Press [DEL] on your keyboard. You've just removed the first key frame and all following predicted frames.
-Skip two key frames forward. Start of selection. Skip two key frames forward. End of selection. [DEL] to remove video segment. [CTRL]+[Z] to undo.
-Skip to the end. Go two single frames back. Start of selection. [DEL]. You've just shortened the video by two frames.
All examples so far do not require you to re-encode the video. Just leave Video and Audio Output on "Copy" (if you encounter audio blips at cuts, just encode the audio, e.g. in "MP3 (lame)"), select "MKV muxer" instead of AVI and press "Save Video" to save your edited video. Leaving Video on "Copy" is only possible if you cut exclusively at key frames or shorten the end!
If you cut anywhere else (especially if the first frame is not a key frame) you *need* to re-encode the video. Select "Mpeg4 AVC (x264)" (great compatibility, pre-configured to prevent quality loss).
The same is true if you apply a video filter. Go to "Video">"Filters" and double click "crop". Enter numbers at the top to crop the video by that amount of pixels from the selected side. Preview the result with the seek bar. THIS IS HOW YOU REMOVE BLACK BARS! Always do this!!! It makes the video both prettier and smaller!
Beware: Avidemux can't handle subtitles and just discards them. Use FFmpeg (post FFS1) or mkvmerge (post MK1) to cut files with subtitles.