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No.486225 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
>be me
>play c&c generals on windows 10 since I've been playing it since 2005
>shidows 10 doesn't work with anything so I have to replace the game.dat and generals.exe files in the directory to get it to run on here
>game works
>get 14+ mods for it, including one of the best ones, operation firestorm
>game works for the most part
>build a certain type of vehicle (titan tank) and use the strategy center afterwards
>game crashes for absolutely no reason
>can do absolutely nothing to stop the crashes since it's a coding problem and it isn't up to me

Is this situation hopeless? I really want this mod to work on here, and it does, it just crashes constantly and I can't figure out why. I even wrote to the guy who made it saying the game crashes when you change battle plans at the strategy center when you built a certain vehicle, and he says it crashes because all your units freeze when you change strategies, which is apparently not working for a few units. The only thing I can do is wait for him to release a new update and hope he fixes it.

Also whenever the game crashes it makes this error log that does nothing at all:
Description: The thread tried to read from or write to a virtual address for which it does not have the appropriate access.
Access address:00000008 was read from.