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Shonen anime for someone with extremely low tolerance for anime tropes?

No.49083 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Are there any decent shonen (or "shonen-y" seinen) titles meeting these criteria?

> Characters aren't edgy little shits that yell at everything or walking tropes
> The plot isn't "i must get muh revenge for killing muh parents" or anything along those lines
> Battles don't last 10-15 episodes and don't rely on using same OP attacks over and over again
> There's no fillers or fanservice
> Humor, if present, is actually funny and doesn't rely on lame sex jokes

The only series like that I've found so far was Claymore, but the ending left me disappointed. If you're going to suggest something, please make sure it's a completely self-contained experience, i.e. doesn't require reading any manga or playing any games to understand the story. Thanks in advance for suggestions.