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Specific anime recommendations

No.498512 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
There's no guide I know of that can recommend based on the requirement I'm looking for, so I'm fishing for recommendations that meet these criteria:

1: The series has ended in a "final" way, no open ended bullshit that's obviously crossing their fingers to get a greenlight on another season.
2: at least 15 minutes of the last episode is a "where are the now" epilogue where the world is saved or everyone's moved on with their lives or whatever else.
3: (optional but highly desired) Ideally the creator isn't now milking the same setting for another show with another title, that's set in the same town with the same characters that are just a bit older now.
4: (optional but highly desired) Ideally isn't more than 50 episodes or so long with all seasons combined.
5: (optional but highly desired) Preferably was an anime first - no point in me watching an adaptation as the source is usually the best version anyway.

I asked this once before a decade ago and got given some great suggestions that I enjoyed a lot, including (but not limited to):
Scrapped Princess
Infinite Ryvius
Last Exile
etc. I'd count Code Geass and Stein;s Gate as being worthwhile additions too. Anyone got any favourites they would recommend for me based on the above requirements?