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Oldfags required

No.499708 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Looking for some screencaps I had saved around a decade ago that I lost several HDDs ago.

One was of an anon talking about why he brings his piss bottle everywhere, because he had an erection while taking a dump at a girl he like's apartment, and COULD have been able to pee in the bottle and poop at the same time if he had the bottle, but since he didn't he panicked and took a shit in her bathtub and tried to "flush" it by filling the tub up. He got threatened with a knife by her and cried. I forgot what board it was from.

Another was from /a/ about Bando from Elfen Lied, the guy with the sunglasses, and some anon was avatarfagging/roleplaying as him and talking about how cool he is and how he can jump 20ft across highway bridges and shit.

I kinda doubt anyone has these screencaps still saved and that the people who do would be browsing /wsr/ lately but fingers crossed, please and thanks.