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Recommend me..

No.507092 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
I'm pissed off at a lot of things and I need something super up my ally with no chance of reminding me of bad things to watch in order to not be sad while also doing something.

Please recommend me anime or manga that are pro-American. Not pro-Gaijin, pro-American. My country and thus to an extent me are constantly getting shat on by everyone everywhere for everything but Japan can be pro-USA sometimes and anime and manga art style makes me happy and not sad.
Also accepted are any movies or TV shows that preach a pro-life stance on abortion from a secular stance, not a religious one. I'm agnostic and thinking how people dehumanize fetuses just to kill them puts me in a state of actual depression. Watching people state common sense (secular pro-life) will make me feel less like the entire fucking world is insane.

Please do not shit on me for my problems and opinions please.