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No.567096 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
I'm in the market for a new Laptop, but have a bunch of questions I was hoping you guys could help with. I'm looking for a low powered, lightweight laptop, so for the most part I'm referring to Intel's U series of processors (i5-8250u etc.). They generally come with 8GB RAM.
May be simple questions

1. What's the different between single channel memory and dual channel? Is it going to make a huge difference with this type of machine. I will be aiming to do light video editing and it will also be my main machine, but I really don't understand if it's a big deal or not. Is a Single Channel going to be noticeable worse than dual Channel?

2. In similar vein to the first question, what's the deal with CPU throttling? I'm interested in buying a Lenovo, but I've read they're pretty bad for this and both their AMD and Intel line throttle the CPU which becomes apparent during benchmarks. Is this going to effect real world use, such as light gaming or is it just going to be a problem with Benchmarks?

3. Can anyone vouch for AMD Ryzen 2500u Processors over Intel's 8th Gen processors? I've seen a few of them around, they seem interesting but also expensive.

4. Am I looking too deep into this? If 2 laptops have the same specs, are they just going to be basically the same even with throttling, single channel, and all the rest?