1 pork shoulder (usually 3lbs of meat on one) or pork belly
2 tbsp alamang
1 can coconut milk
1 can tomato paste
1 eggplant
2 white onions
8 cloves of garlic
whole peppercorn
hot peppers, mild is better because you can pile it on to get a crunchy vegetable texture in the dish
easy mode: have an instant pot and slow cook the pork all day, shoulder is a really nasty cut, still easier with the belly
chop the pork into ~1inch cubes and boil it with salt and peppercorns for like 12 minutes (4 min in pressure cooker)
meanwhile, start making sauce by frying up the onions, garlic, tomato paste and eggplant
once they get soft add the coconut milk
once the meat is done add that in with 2 cups of broth and the alamang
lower heat to simmer until it boils down
serve with rice