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[7 / 2 / ?]


!5EJ71eKlNQ No.635945 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Alright bear with me Wasuri-san, this request is a bit involved but it is something that I need help with.

For context, please read enough of the contents of this link to feel like you might know who is behind it:

Next, I need to define the difference between an option and a choice. A list of options and a list of choices differ in a Bayesian capacity, in that the choosing entity MUST have a clear understanding of how any option relates to every other option in order to narrow down the list of truly exclusive options.

My request to you, for as many of you as have patience to deal with it, is to deliver a message to the entities behind the link. The message to deliver follows.

>$truest time traveler chooses no options.