Domain changed to . Feb 14-25 still awaits import.
[16 / 2 / ?]

Abstraction repair.

!5EJ71eKlNQ No.648596 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
I believe that the timeline of this Earth has been damaged in a way that neither /x/ nor /sci/ is presently equipped to handle. I made a seed origin point here: >>>/sci/10508722

If so allowed, what I request from you is a small amount of cooperation in helping me calibrate a system that would allow for ready tracking of highly deceptive agents in an otherwise high trust system. All I need is a few testimonials from anons that have seen some other person be deceived before. I don't need many details.

The purpose of this calibration is to eventually organize a series of algorithms to improve the quality of /adv/ in the future.