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No.670892 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Couple of problems with a newly reformatted drive.

Windows 10 64 with the newest version from Microsoft site.

I currently have no confirmation window when I delete something. It just goes right to the trash.

If I change my monitor layout, the settings don't get saved. Specifically the orientation of which monitors are on the left and right.

Since the format, my computer is now turning itself on and off randomly. Or at least it seems random. Just now is an example where I shut off my monitor and the computer shut itself down even though I kept a project file up I was working on and only stepped away for 2 minutes to take a piss. Came back, computer was off. In addition, the computer wasn't recognizing my main monitor and I had to disconnect my 2nd monitor to get it to recognize just to start up.

There are a couple of other minor bugs, but none that I can remember at the moment.

A couple of things to note:

I've recently replaced my graphics card with a RTX 2060 and have had nothing but issues with it with software crashes and lag during games and internet browsing. Old card did not have a single issue before the reformat, or after. But I got this new card to hopefully increase productivity and so far, it hasn't pulled its weight.

I've changed my ram settings from 1600 to 2133, which according to all online resources is perfectly fine for the ram I have. Team Dark 8GB (2 x 4GB) 240-Pin DDR3 SDRAM DDR3 1600 (PC3 12800)

I've just now set it back to 1833, but haven't had the computer on or off long enough to see if that fixed anything.

I'm thinking of reformatting all over again to an earlier version of Windows 10. I think it is this new version that is acting up. But I'm not sure.

Ideas on this one? Getting tired of waking up to my poltergeist of a machine.