>ctrl-f>McCue/Duprie>????>PROFIT!I hope. That's the closest result I can immediately find that includes those names, that date, and relates to North American Rockwell (NAR).
You can select the correct article(s) you need and export their citations as a .txt file. Here's the one I think it might be. I searched through the journal's 1965 issues for those names and found nothing, so my guess is the article might have been composed sometime around 1965, but wasn't feature in any kind of journal until later. Idk. Does this help? What format did you need it in? MLA, APA, IEEE, or Chicago?
>Gary A. McCue, James G. Williams, Joan M. Morford. (Aug 1965) Optical characteristics of artificial satellites. Planetary and Space Science. Volume 19, Issue 8 1971. Pg. 851-868, ISSN 0032-0633, Retrieved from ( June 6, 2019