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No.713203 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Is MPC-HC still the gold standard when it comes to watching anime? I've been using it again with some settings that were recommended me and it's been crashing at random when I skip ahead, skip back or just generally do anything with the seekbar. Not all the time mind you, just a good amount to make it super annoying and with only some files. On the files it has a problem with I can usually get about 2-6 skips out of it before it crashes, which I do a lot for reasons. And the files are all from different time periods so I'm not sure if it really has anything to do with how they're encoded.

It's so frustrating because than I have to find my spot again in the video. Sometimes I have to do this five times a video. So is there a way to fix this, or is there a better player now than MPC-HC for anime?