I don't speak thotslang so there may be some errors here.
Timings are approximate
[00:01] 今天,天好热
Today is so hot
[00:03.5] 然后我还跑出来拍给女孩饰品
And I still came out to video girls' accessories
[00:09] 我刚刚都判(?)热得脱水啦
I think(?) I'm dehydrating, it's so hot
[00:11.5] 39度的天气
39 degrees weather
[00:13.5] 然后,我现在刚刚拍完一段舞
And I've just finished recording a dance segment
[00:18] 然后现在快要换位置
And I'll have to change position now
[00:20] 真的好忍(?)
It's really unbearable(?)
[00:25] 吟吟吟~