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Does anyone else feel there braincells dying?

No.768060 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
So for the past couple month all I've been doing for the past couple months is scrolling on my phone trying to cope with my shit life. nothing productive, no work no fun. it's like every hobby is either sit on your ass and consume media or study for months to have some kind of worthy hobby that can get you a job like programming or art. bruh everything in my face is political and it's getting VERY tiring, Instagram, 4chan, tv, reddit, youtube all of it's fucking boring as shit or political, or it's just about some trivial inane bullshit.

>Go outside
listen listen listen, I live. in fucking. Ohio, unless you wanna go play b-ball with some nigs or sit your ass outside and appreciate nature in the cold ass 30 degree weather just stay inside and don't bother.

I can't think of healthy things to go and do anymore, it's like my brain is so rotten I just can't do anything but short circuit dopamine.

I hope I conveyed these ideas good enough

If you wanna ride me off as some whiny annoying prick that's cool and all but can you at least tell me how you spend your days?