>>800310I am pretty sure that for all the images the location of each cat is highlighted in an accompanying post in the archive link at:
https://thebarchive.com/b/thread/824496129>>800184 see : https://thebarchive.com/data/b/image/1586/05/1586054552337.jpg>>800271 see :https://thebarchive.com/data/b/image/1586/05/1586055211700.png>>800277 see :https://thebarchive.com/data/b/image/1586/05/1586058213595.jpgif you still can't see them,
right click on image and, from drop down menu, select
[Open image in new tab]
(or similar dependent upon Browser)
then zoom in to highlighted area as necessary
( [Ctrl]+[+] combined with scroll bars )
if you still can't see the cats:
consult a reputable Optician.