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No.853532 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Hey /wsr/, I'm looking for help to know exactly what needs to be replaced for my win10 pc
It was made like 6 years ago and I haven't upgraded it since then. I know the cpu is a piece of shit amd fx 6300 or something
Oh right, so it used to crash while playing some games, the screen would typically become checkerboarded depending what was displayed at the time of the crash, and then I would have to hard reset the PC. A year later it's now constantly crashing to a frozen screen like pic related when I'm not even playing a game. It's a gpu issue right? My mobo old i think so I'd probably have to upgrade that too? Any pc part recommendations? I don't care about games. Not sure if the gpu is connected to getting to 4k display but that would be a nice upgrade
Any help would be appreciated