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am i weird?

ID:kMNF8EFN No.9794503 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
I'm not a virgin but I might as well be one. I still feel like one. I think I grew it back lol. I haven't had sex in over 2 and a half years and I only ever had sex with 1 person (for such a small amount of times I can only count them on 1 hand). I don't want to have a baby until I'm married and completed my education but I also don't want to put any hormones in my body that mess with the natural cycle of my body (plus no birth control is perfect anyways except abstinence). I don't want to have sex with anybody I couldn't imagine as the father of my child. I don't want to have sex again until I feel like I love the person, that they love me and that I feel emotionally and physically secure doing it with, which might not be until marriage, idk.