>>10935558>G otmHey 'bro, BW, and crew-Miss you all. Will be back soon with a vengeance, have a lot on my plate for now. Wish (You) All the Best.
Lux, the spiritual world is real, my current belief (and subject to new info/data) is that most of whatbwe consider Remote Viewing comes through 'channels', for example, a demon-possesed human, or a human that converses with evil spiritual beings/ Satan himself. Not asserting The Who Stare at Goats are part of this. I just don't have clarity there. On the flip-side, there are humans who communicate with the Creator Himself, and He communicates back, primarily through two channels: His Word, and His Spirit, which indwells those who believe in Christ. And prayer.
Most of this happens around approximately 0300-0400 local time- for those attuned to this spiritual world, on both sides.
>Now in the morning, having risen a long while before daylight, He went out and departed to a solitary place; and there He prayed. Mark1-35Thus, also 4AM talking points.
Over the years, countless times the Creator has awoken me at 0330 to pray. I attempt diligence in this work. Sometimes lasts for hour or so, sometimes 10 minutes.
I offer this information as an encouragement. My desire is to see you encouraged, built up, wise, on a firm foundation. A Paradigm Shift awaits us all, and if we will seek Gods face, he will bless us with wisdom, knowledge, peace, prosperity of the soul. 2Chronicles 7:14
My work currently keeps me very tight on time, thus even my greatest pastime- you guys- is on hold until I am free to once again run with you. Keep up the Good Fight, I and my local team are praying for us and the Banter Dimension team. There are Awesome, Fearsome Days ahead, and few will be given the pleasure to deny it is of the Hand of God. Stay well friends, confess your sins privately to the Lord, as often as it comes to mind. I John 1:9 is the believer's bar of soap. Will return as time/ circumstances allow. My honor to Ride with (You).