>>15193725My man, if only you looked through my writings' wordcount, lol. I talk a bit like a book, or... Well, I write how I would talk. Expressions and everything. kek
>>15193796>I guess you're still here, so I'll keep going.You won't get rid of me THAT easily! Not even I could do it, and I am quite excellent at murdering things! Like my mental wellbeing! Absolutely obliterated!
>most of the time I just feel like I'm bothering people with my presenceNoo! I swear, no. You're so chill and down to earth, it's charming to interact with you. You sound like the kind of dude you could just hang out with and look at the clouds while doing nothing, lmao. I love interacting with people both in the internet and in real life, but I feel miserable if I lack one or the other. Because... You can't hug or, sense the vibrations in the other person's voice, through the internet. You can't look at their eyes when they light up, hmm... It feels a bit lonely.
>I'm just scared of ever getting a pet when I live alone or anything, because I think I won't be able to care for it and it'll suffer because of that, it'd just be cruel.Oh, I can understand that worry, Madokanon, but believe me. Pets WILL be little bitches and nag if they're not feeling okay. Cats usually hide or howl, or cry if they're not feeling alright. And dogs are very, very expressive. As long as you give 'em their vaccines, keep 'em without fleas, and give them fresh food, water, and some good cuddles, they'll definitely feel happy and complete with you. c=
>We've a budgie, but it's my sister that looks after it more than I do.A BUDGIE!?!?! I FUCKING LOVE BIRDS, THEY'RE SO CUTE! I once drew the birds of a painting in the RPG game Ib, and that's probably one of my favorite ones, heh. They even look like one of my favorite ice cream flavors! Or flavours, idk.
>Pic related