>>15957923But again, that's just what I want now, I've no idea what it'll be in the future. Things get jaded for a lot of people. I guess that just doesn't help to worry about because it's not like you can predict how you're going to feel, that far away along.
Anyhow, I guess it's just what it is. I feel that I'll be alright. Thanks for the heads-up, I do actually feel rather relieved now for some reason, I appreciate it.
More importantly, take care yourself as well, it seems like you've far clearer goals in your mind compared to before from what you said, and have already gotten steady with it. Just simply have to keep it up and you'll definitely be alright with life anyhow. Once the hard part is over with, you'll get there with all of the things you wanna do, remember that there's a whole lot of time on your hands as well. Best of luck with studies and all, have a good one.
>>15958020Sanada. Paint stili kendi öznünde güzel, sağol bunlar için.
Ve söylemedim zaten, ama sanırım şu anda Renko derim. Baya yakın gelen var tabi, en çok ilgimi çeken işte yinede. Nostaljik benim için, şu karakterler ile büyüdüm demesi biraz garip.
Kendimi kestiğim uzun zaman oldu, ama bazı 2huları yinede kafamda burunduyorum, bütün hayat öyle kalır herhalde. Yinede açıyorum oyunu ara sıra hala, eskiği gibi heves yok sadece. Okuldan kaçarken internet kafede Touhou oynardım. Hiç denedinmi, kendin?