>>13670336What God deemed an abbomination and wicked back then, still holds true the same.
In example sodomy, lies, idoltry, degeneracy and globohomo racemixing are an abbomination to God which angers him.
Others more seemingly are medical and hygienic advices. We see quarantinic meassures adviced for skin deseases (Leviticus 13).
Pork quickly spoils so its quick to make you sick. Bats too are said specifically to be an unclean animal (Leviticus 11: 19) and a guy eating it is the supposed reason the world is in lockdown. I assume the other animals follow similar patterns.
Those are things meant to guide us to not make us destroy ourselves and preserve us in prosperity and happiness and health.
Racemixing is a mix of the two. It makes us destroy our culture and tradition, our faith, destroying us and making them take over our land as described in the bible, but also due to it turning us from our faith all the time makes him angry about
Then ther are societal norms and statutes, how to solve legal issues, forgiving the debt at a certain point, repay the damage you caused to others (eye for an eye), how to regard taxes etc. to guide us towards a prosper society and legal system
What was done is to take away our guilt for transgrassing any of these
>>13670334>nietzscheif Nietzsche would have abided to the christian "slave morality" he hated so much he probably wouldnt be driven into insanity by the syphillis he contracted when he whore across the town. But his freemasonic brothers really like the neo liberal propaganda making them think it empowers themselves. In fact majority of the luciferian doctrines is philosophical pilpul to argue that morality and meaning doesnt exist so you can do what you want, murder, rape, stealing, deception, manipulation, blackmail etc. Thats the morality Nietzsche encourages. peak judaism
all i have on the pedo satanic cabal, their faggy cults, crimes symbols agenda etc.