>FWIWSo, a poster, undefined by me as yet, posts 20 times in last thread.
As the thread has slowed, I am looking for anything that pops out. I find him.
The curious posts are mostly graphics, although the few with words are significant to thread.
I highlight him, and look through all the posts in succession. They begin to tell a story.
>my mind drifts back to the '51' subpoenas for a moment; i store that thought.Next I find myself vetting the tag of the graphics, which I am still in the middle of,
>There's one of then SOS Clinton, at the WH podium on Feb. 14, 2012, raising her glass along with Biden, their flanking President Xi, who proposed a toast for their US-China Alliance.https://www.deseret.com/2012/2/14/20393155/obama-strong-us-china-ties-help-rest-of-the-world>THE thing that jumped out at me was the photo's tag: ▪Revelations18:6
>" Reward her even as she rewarded you, and double unto her double according to her works: in the cup which she hath filled fill to her double."There's a story within this posters comment-stream that has made my day so much brighter.
The pic I've chosen to post shows Biden, from a different website of the same function. I also liked it because it's original tag reads: " Chinese-KNOW-Hillary-drinks.jpg. That's a whole other story within this story, innit?
https://rabidrepublicanblog.com/china-plays-our-narcissist-in-chief/>▪Kudos to that mystery anon, who set a course that others might see things that should be remembered moving forward.This business of keeping eyes on REVEALS ITSELF to me layer by layer with each passing day. Okay...back to the rest of those graphic tags.