To be honest this thing should’ve ended on September 21th when I made this thread ( following by an apology after a few hours or so. When I made it, I geniuenly felt guilty for no real reason – it’s not like anybody cared about them, it was just a quick, neat thing I started doing to somewhat share some good thoughts with my fellow /bant/ers. So I said to myself that if this thread’s gonna live untill I wake up and see it on my very own eyes, I’ll call it a bluff and move on.
And so I did.
Back in the day I didn’t really used archives that much – I had no scripts, no greasymonkey, no tamper – and no 4chanX whatsoever. So seeing a thread that lived more than two to three hours left me even more guilty. But like I said: everything has it’s end, there are no immortals among us.