>>18977064yes I agree there's nothing wrong with gore itself, it's better to know about the horrible things that happen in the world than to not. I remember when the christchurch shooting happened they were actively taking down videos of it which was bad. I disagree though that all human life is worthless but I can't really convince you otherwise if that's how you feel and it's not the worst thing to believe. The problem is just seeing gore as entertainment when I see gore I think "wow that's awful we should do something to prevent this" not "look at that faggot get his head blown off LOL!". If you just surround yourself with death and misery all the time and are obsessed with politics it can blind you to the good aspects of life. I used to hate certain groups but some people from that same group were kind to me here and I began seeing them as individuals that have plenty of positive aspects and not just hohol/russhit/kike/sandnigger/mutt/spic/nigger etc.
Taking some time away from the internet to enjoy the good parts of life is good for your brain and will make you see people differently but that's just me maybe you feel different.