>>16121888But, maybe you can get the same effect if you just get the right armaments for dealing with them? It can stop even the most elusive and loud of flies from annoying you when you're properly equipped. I personally grab a book whenever I need to deal with one. I mean, it covers such a wide area when you swing, that it's just impossible for them to maneuver out of it's way. It's always fun to slam down on them with it. Again, even when you don't kill them.
Actually, have you been trying to kill them with your hands or something small, this entire time? That might be what makes them so annoying to deal with, for you. When you have a good weapon for it, just the motions of attacking them could be fun. It's like swinging down a sledgehammer on things that are trying to get away from it, you still feel absolutely in charge, no?
Even just knowing that you have something to mess them up with is enough to make you not feel bothered when you see a fly. When you get up and make your way over to it, like how a torturer would go for his scalpel, it just feels like there's nothing those things can do to bother you, to hell with their buzzing because they'll be dead soon anyhow, why let yourself get bothered by it?
So, I think to make your encounters more fun, I think you should see about getting equipped, find a notebook laying around your house, maybe. Thinner ones are preferred.
One thing you might be worried about, is that if the satisfaction from killing them will be dumbed down once you make it easier for yourself. After all, you feel good about besting them because of the challenge they posed to you, otherwise they'd be just like spiders, right?
Char limit. In class by the way, sorry for the speed.