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Anonymous (ID: 0LPHLBXO) 02/26/22(Sat)13:27:21 No.14584269▶>>14584295 >>14584311 >>14585355
just wokeuporino
time to try to beat tree sentinel for 16 hours
+kill yourself tiny white pecker chudcel pissbaby
+also ukraine should surrender now to prevent more ukranians from dying
Anonymous (ID: e0+ltPjL) 02/26/22(Sat)13:30:38 No.14584277▶
BWC victory
Anonymous (ID: s1+aNH3F) 02/26/22(Sat)13:30:44 No.14584279▶
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Anonymous (ID: 0LPHLBXO) 02/26/22(Sat)13:31:34 No.14584283▶
ukraine is NOT vietnam
ukraine is NOT afghanistan
ukraine is a STEPPE. that means theres nothing but flat ground and no trees which means ukraine resistance wont last long
Anonymous (ID: Mf04STLZ) 02/26/2