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Media is owned by J's. J's hate white people. WMAF makes offspring smarter than them.
As for the mechanics of it, yes, asian women approach white guys. As they should. Being another bug clone chinklet is a pointless existence. Your genetic prowess is capped. Personally, 75% of the time asian girls ask me out. 25% white, and sometimes black. But black women are more vulgar about it. I don't like them.
The biggest thing getting in the way of asian girls taking every white guy is their diaspora social clique. Hive mind horseshit. But once one goes, they all go, because they find out what it's really like. Some asian girls will never, ever, date a white guy though. But that's good. They are typically low class and supremely nationalistic for a Country they aren't living in. If they can find another flip flop noodle slurper, they'll end up with niggers or indians.
In short, ignore the media. Biological attraction isn't subject to propaganda.