>>17906945/pol/ only has kneejerk reactions to the mainstream
What the Mark of the Beast actually is, is a debatable topic, though we have some pretty strong conjecture and supported guesses. One thing it is not, however, is the vaccines.
The Mark of the Beast is submission to the beast system. Revelations states that those who bare it will carry it on their hand and forehead. We can see this mark throughout history, and even to this day, by understanding that what a man carries on his hand governs his actions and what he does, and what he carries on his brow is who he presents himself as, the face he shows the world.
Some may disagree with that interpretation, and I think that's fair. But it is, fundamentally, about submission, and those who refuse to "take the mark" are those who refuse to submit to the satanic order of the world. Such people are typically ostracized, and if possible, forbidden from buying or selling, because that is how banking Jews punish rebellious and disobedient goyim. It is not something that WILL happen, or something that is BEGINNING to happen. Rather, it is something that HAS BEEN HAPPENING throughout history.
It is always about submission, and those who refuse to submit, whether that be to the Vatican, the WHO, or the federal government, are always persecuted for their refusal. Were the vaccines themselves "the mark of the beast?" No. But the submission demanded by the system for it most certainly was. But we mustn't be so fixated on the vaccine itself, because it isn't the point. Tomorrow, the system may decide that vaccines are no longer in vogue, and flip their script, just as they stopped screaming about masks and started screaming about Ukraine.