>>15193753-a of stuff changing around every time, plus, yeah, the rusty and gritty theme is really appealing to me. I also find beating stuff up with a lead pipe way cooler than a knife or chainsaw, for some reason. The only downside of it for me is that, the look of the main character really isn't to my taste, lol. But I can look past that when I play it, I guess, it's not that big of a detriment.
>Really!? Those tended to give me a headache when dealing with 'emWell, yeah, it fucked with me a lot too, that's why I remember it fondly, lol. And yeah, Hell was pretty cool. And had a very creepy feel, the first time I got into it. When I found the one in 2kki, I got that same feel again, and it was just great.
>Oh my, yeah! Although getting the last effect usually meant that it was... Doing a hero time.Lol, yeah, that was really out of nowhere, but such a good way to end the game.
>Ah fuck, I have the... 0.118c versionMight be, maybe, I have the one right before that version. I'll probably try setting it up again some other time.
>>15193797>There's a lot of themYeah, couldn't help knowing of that. I'm guessing there's a true end, though.
>Just... Look at thisNice that you like it, I'll listen to those. I'm still not that much into his stuff, like I said, I only know of one song, but I do like it a lot. #3, I think. I listen to some artists that have taken inspiration from him, though, from what I remember reading about.
>I think it gives the dreams more... Hmm... That drowsy, lost, mesmerizing feeling.Well, yeah, the more incoherent it is, the more like a dream it feels. When there's only one guy making a bunch of levels, he still probably has an idea for what he's doing, even if in the slightest, so, that makes it less like a dream, I guess?
>Honestly, the Yume 2kki OST is amazing but the Yume Nikki one is the OGThere are tracks I like from the original, but I like 2kki way way way more, I go back to a lot of tracks from it while I onl-Part whatever.