>>11685203>lower than meit's just the modern standard, it's all conflict of interests
due to my particular situation only lower women would gain personal interest from dating me in exchange for them giving me company
I'd preffer she was on balanced intellectual ground as myself but no lower class woman is, therefore the only girls I could have "normal" conversations with are ones that have higher financial status, aren't addicted to drugs, are likely taller due to propper diet in childhood and "prettier" due to more throwable income that can land on makeup
in almost every aspect any stable woman of my intellect would rather pick a tall airhead with more cash or more handsome face since she'd be able to manipulate him due to being "too good for him"
from these simple axioms I surmise my chances of settling down with significant other are next to nill and since the furthest I got with a woman was a hug at 16 (with no progression for almost 5 excruciating years) my inexperience rates my goods and services at an all time low on a dating stock market
it wouldn't be impossible if I didn't value puroty but if I managed to keep myself clean from succumbing to lesser women I judge my first (and prefferably last) partner should be pure aswell- as to diminish risk of infidelity and longing for (possibly) better past in some aspect
men look at stuff as sums of it's parts, however women are ready to nitpick over any each part and even one stands out as very above average they'd prolly pick that guy over somebody with good sum
>>11685244because my waifu doesn't have quadruple digits of fanart