>>13096462I as a white straight male able to defend my planet will give you way to your planet wide enslavement under these conditions.
You must, in front of my eyes and eyes of my like minded peers(from most wished to least)
1. Murder/severely maim/whip the fuck out of every single kike AND nigger
2. Force every degenerate male that thinks their a woman to suck the dick of every one of the previously mentioned kike AND niggers as they are receiving their punishment.
3. Force every stupid muslim worshipper to consume so much pork that they have to hang themselves out of respect of their religion.
4. EVERY single coal burner pays the toll by any previously mentioned actors or by yours.
If these conditions are met in full you can have this mud ball of a planet without a fight from myself.
If these conditions are not met then you’re going to be facing men that are pissed off you couldn’t met the previously mentioned conditions and because your fucking ugly space niggers.