>>11497884atleast jews have the decency to provide their host hedonistic illusionary subversion
the chinks simply go full "we wuz astronomers and gunpowders and sheit"
forgetting the facts that they nevr used gunpowder for effective conquest outside their rape murder failure states and got chokeslammed into submission by every foreign power to ever arrive
you ever see a hinkoid manlet laugh at him cruelly and remind him his women don't even prefer his kind almost subconciously sensing the ancestral rot and leeching of other better raes
and if you see a chinksect woman kick her in the side cuz theres a good chance she sold her kidney to finance her face-lift
be tough be brutal and remind them of their inferiority
never let them forget the absolute failure that is their race
They are what you'd et if you were to mix nigger behoviour with a tendency for kikery they are below sub-human
make fun of them at every corner and never let them be at ease
me and my group legit gang banged our local chink woman back in college she was so used to 2 cm cocks that she literally flew into the arms of any man that gave her time of day
she ended up getting suspended for making passes at the punjabi lecturer and from what i know got deported anyways remember to reply to this post or your mother will die in her sleep tonight