Quoted By:
>be me
>walking down the block to get my knife sharpened and grab
>that puts me out of a weapon, and this is orange county, so i wore my pistol too
>hit the button at the intersection, wait to cross
>woman on a bike comes riding down
>she asks which direction i pressed, tell her
>'great, that's where i'm headed too.'
>looks at me like pic rel
>'do you need me to pray for you?'
>dumbfounded, ask why.
>'you just seem like you need someone to pray for you. Jesus told me to pray for you.'
>facetiously tell her to thank him for me
>doesn't seem to pick up on it
>we part ways at the other side, she rides away ringing the bell on her bike
what was that all about?
people tell me i look sad a lot, was it that, or my weapons? i was wearing two different ones, which i never do.