>>15987058Like, there's no reason for me to bother with other ways of making an egg, if they all just suck anyway. I'll likely make scrambled ones for the rest of my life and nothing else. Which is okay. Too bad you wasted your time learning to make all kinds of eggs, while scrambled ones are just the objectively superior way of having them anyway, and anything else is unimportant. Could've spent that time learning how to make the best scrambled eggs possible instead, you know.
>I would cycle cereals every weekWell, I mean, it's just that unlike you, I found "the one" for me, during my first try. I know what you're going to say, you're going to say that I need to try other cereals before knowing if that's the one for me, but, what, let's that you meet a girl that you love a lot, but it's your first relationship, what are you going to do, go around cheating and trying out other girls just to see if there's anybody better for you? That's just messed up. The same is with cereal. I like Nesquik and it's great, and everything else just sucks anyway, the one other kind of cereal that I tried was just like, soggy bread or something, I don't understand how anybody deals with it, you know why they keep pumping out flavor after flavor of weird cereals, cause people just keep buying them no matter what it is, it's insane, what is wrong with people? I bet you could make mac and cheese cereal, and somebody is going to keep coming back to buy it. A lot of people. They just will. How do these people exist? Anyway, yeah, blueberry cereal or whatever it was that you liked, I tried out blueberry tea out this one time, and it was just terrible and sucked, I don't believe that blueberry is a good flavor for anything other than sweets, like, I'll love a blueberry sour gummy or candy with all my being, I'll always pick it out from a bag, but the flavor just doesn't go well with everything else. I mean, why even have blueberry cereal, instead of just eating some blueberries? Right?