>>11684347but did it help tone?
no it did not, tone turned into a manwhore
he doesn't cum fast
he doesn't have to lift pallets
he doesn't work
he just fucks...
>>11684409yes I did, I stated clearly that I was appauled by their demand for equal provileges by doing less
weak people desserve commodities but in favour they must prostrate and be subservient
by venture that women are not hard at work (factories, building sites, mines etc), do not perform womanly duties (maids, kitchen, bed) and still perform piss poor at stem and outright bleed the culture and society in arts and philosophy (which instead of manly intellectual work they do generic but entitled bland attempt at it) what right did they obtain to be privileged cumsluts that get to choose
all they are are organic sex dolls and unlike sexdolls you have to tame these first, and unlike wild animals that make great pets once tamed you have to exponentially (or base ten logarithmically) serve their demands before they run off to some hobo that reeks of piss to suck their dick
the more I talk to them the more Iresent them, they always talk out of their ass and if you happen to disagree with them they'll just mobilise their group of beta orbiters to defend them
be it a beta cuck or an alpha douche, both groups of men are driven by same lust for women and to pretend that women should have a vote between the two is hillarious, the groupation wouldn't even exist if arranged marriages were still a thing