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H-Honestly.. I like how it looks – a g.. great change on such an insignificant day, j-just another number, not even dubs or trips – no hidden symbolic.
“On 218th thread, the original Polanon left the thread.”
It kinda underliness aimlessness of our lives, you know, hahah – it’s accidentical at it’s f-finest~!
Don’t take me wrong..! I really wish some people I know would be immune to burnout of their passion.. a-and jobs.. but sooner you face the reality, the less a-amount of pain and.. shock.. you will get. I never wanted to “wear a mask” of happiness for the sake of our neat, little reason – and to my surprise, I never did. What a shame that’s the only thing I can be proud of, regarding a-all of.. this.
And for the last thing I would like to ask y-you, Anon – is your memory.
Because in the end it’s all that matters.
Thank you.. thank you for participating in this great deed.
Keep on keeping, you wonderful bastards..!
I love you all.