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Demoralizers also live in a blimp
There once was a spoomer named iqdelet, who would post all night it was quite the feat. Always complaining about something were explaining, he was a robot at best or even jew poo. His pockets were shallow and his rent was high, his income was spent on helium to survive. He was part of a program for jidf, where they live in a blimp exactly wher ive no idea. But i have heard the plot, which is a long narrow strip, where iqdelet lives, on his stupid blimp. Beneath he owns nothing, just rents out the land. A 4x4 plot taken up by the tanks. Of helium he has, which his neighbors are stealing, its not the worst of his dealings. Every third Tuesday when he looks out his window, the kikes right above him are tossing their their waste below. Occasionally it hits him and he must endure, the smell of the dukey and underwear. For landing his craft is 2 months pay, vile schlomo will charge him that day. He hates that we own the metal called silver, he cant even touch it, if he did he would wither. His hands would be burned and he would let out a scream, his jewblood would sizzle and steam. Aside from that, the weight of a stack, would surely lower his blimp to the land. Before he could pump for helium to rise, vile scholomo would arrive full senpakku eyes. Scolding and yelling he would yank out his ledger, his pen would scribble the fine with dredgerious wide lines. Iqdelet would be forced to retreat, his indenture extended a mere 2 more weeks.