>>6078506You can think of a God as an alien civilization who gave this planet means of life and supervised grow for some potential souls~
Imagine a race who lost their way of reproduction - their bodies too complex to replicate, only to be refiled with conciouseness.
You know the Biblic Eden - it was when both Adam and Eva ate the forbidden fruit, they lost their hair and felt naked - from ape to homo sapiens.
We won the contest. We won our conciouseness.
Others can find God in thousands, miriads of things - unthinkable happenings, when right atoms were placed in right time at the right space.
Some can find him in our thoughts~
You could even elaborate to see God as everything known to mankind - humanity itself.
Christians tell that God's in everything and that we were made on his likeness.
Possibilities are endless, so is the infinite chances of there being a God o/