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Why shouldn't I marry a Chinese girl?

No.11193189 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Give me one (1) reason why I shouldn't just abandon white women and marry a Chinese qt3.14 instead? White women are too far gone and come with a slew of issues:

>overinflated sense of self worth means you can never make them happy
>likely to have double digit partner count
>often have at least 1 STD, don't care at all because simps will date them anyway
>have at least 1 tattoo and/or body piercing
>all over social media constantly posting semi-nude pics
>even if they're trad girls to begin with, they often have other white friends who encourage degeneracy
>bad with money, will spends your paychecks on designer shoes
>dumb as a rock, can't have any deeper conversations with them
>NPCs who support whatever liberal MSM tells them to and will shill for BLM
>often come from broken homes and have daddy issues
>will hit the wall HARD and get fat as soon as you marry them

Chinese girls don't suffer from the above defects and are far more traditional and kind. I speak enough Mandarin to make conversation and am taller, more muscular, and have nicer features than pretty much any Asian guy, meaning I can take my pick of the best Chinese girls and have them worship me. I'm starting to think all you guys talking about making babies with a white tradwife don't ever go outside and are just saying that to keep others from finding an asian qt and being happy.