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No.11242425 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Why do "white" nationalists defend white women and live in a cope world that they are race loyal, all while calling white men weak and at fault for everything bad that happens? Yes, kikes are blamed at first, but ultimately they say white men are at fault for letting kikes in.

No amount of information will change their minds that white women are the most promiscuous racemixing women in existence. They continue to post dating and marriage statistics, denying the reality of sex and out of wedlock pregnancy outside of these two categories.

White men are called weak for finding a good Asian wife who will give them a healthy family and smart children. White women are defended for having spawned a bastard nigger baby, but marrying a white soiboi, and they continue to say such are loyal to their race.

Another trope is calling white men who mix with Asian women "degenerate." All the while those same people say "fucking Asian pussy is fine but i'd never marry or make babies." Is this not literally acting like niggers? They shun marriage and chastity, while promoting fornication. Reminds me of Isaiah 5:20
>Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!

Why the white knighting? Why the simping? Why the promotion of degeneracy and shunning of Christian monogamy? Are all "white" nationalists just godless male feminists LARPing as uber chad? If you go to the "white" nationalist website Stormfront, you can see exactly the same people and acts play out. All of the rhetoric is the same.

"White" nationalism is a joke.