>>12923618The simple way to put it is that God became man so that man might become god. Man willingly separated ourselves from God in the archaic past and had no means of reuniting ourselves with Him. Because we cut ourselves off from Life Itself we died and fell into corruption like a branch cut off from a vine.
The only means to save us from death, sin, and corruption was or God to become one of us. This was Jesus Christ. Jesus is God Incarnate in human life, He is fully God and fully Man. Man's corruption is corrected in the union of God's Divine Nature with humanity's fallen nature, and in His life, death, resurrection, and ascension to the Right Hand of God the Father, Jesus destroyed sin and death, and prepared the way for humanity to be reunited into perfect union with God.
Christ being fully Man lived a life just like us and experienced the same struggles and pains that we experience, with the only difference being that He never sinned, and so imitation of Him is our goal. And as the God-Man He is our connection to God, He is the bridge that unites God and Man as He shares Human nature with us, but is Divine in essence. And As Man sitting at the Right Hand of the Father, He intercedes for us as our High Priest.
And so Christ is the only way to perfection and freedom from the errors of this world, there is no other way to escape the swamp of this world and all its false glory, hatred, evil, and foolishness but to follow Christ and partake in the path that He prepared for us. The world loves itself and its lies and hates truth, Christ is Truth and so the world hates Christ more than anything else, the mere mention of Christ's name can cause the wicked to instantly snap into a fit of rage and hatred.