>>13036166>What laws will we have in the Christian state?aside from general anti globohomo stuff found here
>>327497044 >>327505271 >>327508345 I will go into some lesser known issues.
>judgementsAny judgements must be commited by the accusers and by extent the people in general. (In example Leviticus 20: 1-2)
In example God tells the Kings and his priests what is to be done, and they tell the people, but its up to them to prove their faithfulness and carry through the decrees.
>Debt Must be forgiven every 7th year. Not 7 years from after making the debt, but every 7 years every debt must be forgiven BTFOing usury and the Fiat currency system. (Deuteronomy 15:1), further you must not deny to give oans just because that day of forgiveness is about to happen.
>SlaverySlaves must be treated properly, must be taken care off and provided for. As the debt, if you have a faith of your own kind (debatable wether ethnic as stated back then or in faith, as Israel now is every believer) must be released in the 7th year and has to be provided appropriately to not be left with nothing. Unless the slave decides to stay at which point he will be one for the rest of his life (Deuteronomy 15: 12-18)
If you got him with a wife or family they are to be released as well, if you gave your slave a wife the slave can choose to remain with her as your slave and again remain so for life or leave alone. (Exodus 21: 1-10)
>Eye for an eyeIf you harm someone you must compensate accordingly.
>murderIf you murdered someone in a fit of rage, without sheming or lying in wait, God provides you a chance to run away. There are certain cities of refuge established you can flee to, but then are not allowed to leave that City until the high priest dies. If you leave before that time any relative or friend of the one you killed is allowed to strike you down (Joshua 20)