>>328083272 >>328083320 >>328084645essentially free will requires a chance to choose wrong, and this is needed for true virtue to arise
Now God has 2 options when we commit evil
>be God>humans rebell thinking they know better whats right and wrong>you destroy those that rebelled and show love to those that didnt>couple aeons later another retards gets to think he knows better and starts the same bullshitThis also defies the principle of free will, why give it when he then stops us at every step?
>be God>humans start thinking they know better>you let them play out all of their retarded ideas until the end, constantly reminding them what you told them>they fuck shit up, realize that they were retarded pieces of shit and realize that God was right the whole time>they repent>you fix everything in the end>noone ever gets any stupid ideas as we had all possible stupid ideas already and lived them out till the very end undoubtly proving eternally that they are just stupid ideas>live happily ever afterSo yes, God can make a world without evil, but ultimately it would just create sophisticated automatons. Having some bad now so people learn of the consequences is the logicaly best way to create a world full of virtue.
God does want and will prevent evil, and he is currently in the process of doing it so. Epicuro was just an entitled brainlet
And no, creating logical contradictions that cancel another out of existence is not what "all mighty" means, like the "can God create a stone so heavy he cant lift it himself. As such this is the only way to create a virtuous society.
Every bit of time is given for us to learn enough to repent
>9The Lord is not slow in keeping His promise as some understand slowness, but is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish but everyone to come to repentance.