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Biblestudies: Sinners Welcome

No.14104624 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
ITT we discuss christian Theology, ask questions we have trouble understanding and help others understand the teachings

1. Do not reply to shills, strawmen or bait. If you get baited into replying to someone who isnt arguing in good faith you lose.

On meekness
Bible tells us to forgive, forgiveness is the only way conflict ever can end >>352735698 >>352739330. Unless someone is willing to sacrifice his justice, his ego, his anger etc. all feuds would carry on until all eternety. Forgiveness is what enables us to set things aside and carry on with important matters.

You also need to realize that this isnt preaching passivity or pacifism either.
God wants us to do whats right without exception. this includes turning the other cheek at times (personal small offenses like the other examples he mentioned there), to not act like a nigger. however we also are meant to protect the widows and orphans, the weak, those who cant protect themselves
>17Learn to do right; seek justice and correct the oppressor. Defend the fatherless and plead the case of the widow.”
and at times it requires force, however never for our sake, our pride etc. but for what is right and good. that it what meekness means.
>18If it is possible on your part, live at peace with everyone.
The other route would be seething endlessly like kikes and chimping out like niggers over minor offenses

The quotes from the churchfathersregarding supposed pacisfism also are only about military service, which at that time was used for conquest and not defense.