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The Suppressed Villain Arc of Ethan Klein

ID:/MZ+9pdk No.14362675 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Before I risk /pol/ getting uppity about YT drama and Joe Rogan, I'd try this one here.

I was thinking about Ethan the other day, wondering what he's been up to.
As far as I know, he's been dunking on Jordan B. Peterson and Joe Rogan.

But why?
And I'm not asking why Ethan picked these guys after blue-balling Crowder.
I'm asking why he feels so desperate to call out someone and incite drama. He feels more and more like a dumbed down version of Keemstar, only with 90% more onions.

Wasn't he supposed to be one of the big players like Phil DeFranco? Who supposedly hat insider contacts with YT and would "work on making it a better platform"?

None of that shit happened. In fact, it seems to me as if Ethan just created a safe space to spew his BS, and retreat to whenever he started a fire.
And don't tell me it's because he's a jew - we all know that by now. We need to be more creative.

TL;DR: What I wanna know, is why does this shitsack still get a platform?

Bonus points if there's an achilles heel...